Tea and coffee, two beloved beverages enjoyed by millions worldwide, often spark discussions about their respective acidity levels. Many individuals seeking a gentler stomach option wonder, "Is tea less acidic than coffee?" This inquiry delves into the pH balance of these popular drinks and their potential impact on digestive health.

Understanding the acidity of tea and coffee is relevant to connoisseurs and those with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux concerns.

Exploring this topic sheds light on the nuanced differences between these caffeinated delights and empowers individuals to make informed choices aligned with their well-being and preferences.

What is Acidity?

Before comparing the acidity levels of tea and coffee, it is essential to understand what acidity means in the context of beverages. The pH scale measures the level of acidity, with a range from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, while anything below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is basic or alkaline.

Acidity in beverages is due to the presence of organic acids, which add a tart or sour flavor. These acids naturally occur in fruits and vegetables and are responsible for giving coffee and tea their characteristic taste. Brewed tea typically has a pH level of 4-5, while coffee has a slightly lower pH of 4.

The Acidity Levels of Coffee

Coffee's acidity level can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of beans used, the roasting process, and the brewing method. Generally, coffee has a pH ranging from 4 to 5, making it mildly acidic. However, some studies have found that certain types of coffee can have a lower pH level of around 4.

Dark roast coffee tends to be less acidic than light roast due to the longer roasting process, which breaks down more of the organic acids. Dark roast coffee beans also have a lower concentration of chlorogenic acid, which is responsible for giving coffee its characteristic bitterness.

Additionally, brewing methods such as cold brew or using a French press can result in a less acidic cup of coffee compared to drip coffee. Acidic tea drinkers may choose these options to satisfy their caffeine cravings without exacerbating their stomach sensitivity.

The Acidity Levels of Tea

Similar to coffee, tea's acidity level also varies depending on factors such as the type of tea leaves, growing conditions, and brewing method. However, tea generally has a higher pH level than coffee, ranging from 5 to 6. This makes tea slightly less acidic than coffee but still within the range of an acidic beverage.

The amount of time tea leaves are steeped also plays a role in their acidity level. Longer steeping times can increase the concentration of organic acids, resulting in a more acidic cup of tea. Green teas, in particular, tend to be less acidic than black tea due to the shorter steeping time required.

pH Scale and Its Importance

While coffee and tea have different acidity levels, they are both considered acidic beverages. However, it is essential to note that the pH scale is logarithmic, meaning each number represents a tenfold difference in acidity. This means that coffee with a pH of 4 is ten times more acidic than tea with a pH of 5.

The impact of this acidity level on our bodies can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience discomfort or acid reflux symptoms when consuming highly acidic beverages, while others may not notice any effects. Coffee or tea drinkers with sensitive stomachs may benefit from choosing less acidic options or limiting their intake.

Is Tea Less Acidic Than Coffee?

Based on the information above, it can be concluded that tea is generally less acidic than coffee. However, this does not mean that tea is always a better option for those with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux.

Individuals react differently to different types of beverages, and what may cause discomfort for one person may not affect another. It is important to listen to your body and make informed choices based on your own tolerance levels.

Additionally, factors such as caffeine content and additives like milk or sugar can also impact the acidity levels of these drinks. It is crucial to pay attention to how your body responds to different types of tea and coffee and adjust accordingly.

Factors Affecting Acidity in Tea and Coffee

The type of tea or coffee beans, brewing method, and water quality all play a role in determining the acidity levels of these beverages. For example, green tea tends to be less acidic than black tea due to its lower tannin content. Similarly, Arabica coffee beans are less acidic than Robusta beans.

Brewing methods also impact acidity; for instance, cold-brewed coffee has a significantly lower acidity level than hot-brewed coffee. The quality of water used can also affect the pH level, as tap water may contain minerals that alter the acidity.

Which Teas Are The Most Acidic?

Now that we know tea is generally less acidic than coffee, it is worth noting that some types of tea can be more acidic than others. For example:

  • Black tea: This type of tea has a higher concentration of tannins, which can increase its acidity level.
  • Fruit teas: The addition of acidic fruits like lemon or orange to tea can raise its pH level.
  • Herbal teas: While herbal teas are often marketed as caffeine-free, they can still contain organic acids that contribute to their tartness.
  • Chamomile tea: Despite its calming properties, chamomile tea can also be highly acidic due to the presence of hippuric acid.
  • Oolong tea: This type of tea is semi-oxidized, resulting in a more acidic brew compared to black or green tea. Black and green tea are fully oxidized and less acidic.
  • Ginger tea: While often touted as a remedy for digestive issues, ginger tea can have a pH level as low as 2, making it highly acidic.
  • Lemon tea: This popular citrus-based tea can have a pH level as low as 2.5, making it one of the most acidic teas.

How to lower the acidity of your tea?

If you are looking to lower the acidity level of your tea, there are a few things you can try.

Firstly, using filtered water can help reduce the presence of minerals that may contribute to the tea's acidity. Steeping your tea for a shorter time or adding a small pinch of baking soda to your cup can also have an alkalizing effect and neutralize some of the acid.

Lastly, adding a splash of milk or cream can help reduce the tea's overall acidity level. However, keep in mind that this may also affect the flavor and caffeine content of your tea.

Drink tea in moderation and choose options that work best for your body. The key is to enjoy your cup of tea while being mindful of its acidity level and how it may affect you.

Benefits of Tea and Coffee

Despite their varying acidity levels, both tea and coffee offer numerous health benefits. Tea is rich in antioxidants and has been linked to lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Coffee also contains antioxidants and can improve cognitive function, boost energy levels, and reduce the risk of depression. However, it is essential to consume both beverages in moderation and listen to your body's response. Low-acid coffee beans and herbal teas may also be options for those looking to reduce acidity levels.


What tea is less acidic?

Green tea is generally considered to be the least acidic tea. However, it is essential to note that the way tea is brewed and other factors can also affect its acidity level.

Is cold-brewed coffee less acidic?

Cold-brewed coffee tends to have a lower acidity level compared to hot-brewed coffee. This is due to the longer steeping time, resulting in lower levels of organic acids being extracted from the beans.

Is tea easier on the stomach than coffee?

Tea is often considered gentler on the stomach than coffee due to its lower levels of caffeine and tannins. However, this can vary from person to person, and some individuals may find tea to be just as acidic as coffee. It is best to experiment and see what works for you.

Can I drink tea if I'm acidic?

Yes, you can drink tea if you have high levels of stomach acid. However, it is essential to listen to your body and choose teas that do not cause discomfort or exacerbate any existing conditions. Options like low-acid coffee beans or herbal teas may also be worth considering. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


In conclusion, the comparison between tea and coffee regarding acidity reveals intriguing insights about these popular beverages.

According to various sources, including Health line and Quora, black and green tea is generally less acidic than coffee. The pH values of these drinks play a crucial role in determining their impact on digestive health, with green tea typically having a higher pH than coffee.

As Health wise Coffee highlights, this distinction can influence individuals seeking a gentler option for their stomachs.

Moreover, the pH range of different tea types, as mentioned by Leaf, further emphasizes the nuanced differences in acidity levels. Understanding these distinctions empowers consumers to make informed choices based on their health considerations and flavor preferences.

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