Are you looking to transform your coffee into a more alkaline and less acidic beverage? 

By implementing specific techniques and alternative ingredients, you can achieve a balanced and milder coffee experience. From adjusting the brewing method to incorporating alkaline-enhancing components, there are various approaches to creating alkaline coffee. 

Whether you're seeking a gentler option for your stomach or aiming to align with an alkaline diet, these methods can help you craft a more pH-balanced and enjoyable coffee.

 Let's explore some effective strategies to elevate your coffee experience and reduce its acidity for a smoother, more alkaline brew. 

Is Coffee Acidic? 

Before diving into how to make alkaline coffee, it's essential to understand the acidity levels of regular coffee. 

Contrary to popular belief, coffee is not naturally acidic. In fact, the pH level of a ripe and unroasted coffee bean falls in the neutral range (around 7). However, during the roasting process, the chemical composition of the beans changes, resulting in the production of chlorogenic acid and quinic acid. These acids give coffee its characteristic bitter taste and are responsible for its acidity.

Therefore, even though coffee may have an acidic taste, it is not necessarily an acidic beverage. 

What is Alkaline Coffee? 

Alkaline coffee is a beverage that has a higher pH level, making it less acidic than regular coffee. The concept behind alkaline coffee is to reduce the acidity of the brew by neutralizing or counterbalancing the acids present in the beans.

This can be achieved through various methods, such as using alkaline water, incorporating alternative ingredients, and adjusting the brewing process. 

How to Make Alkaline Coffee

Now, let's dive into the steps you can take to turn your regular coffee into a more alkaline-friendly beverage.

Adjust Your Brewing Method

One of the simplest ways to make alkaline coffee is by changing your brewing method. 

The most common brewing methods for traditional coffee, such as drip or espresso, produce a more acidic cup. 

Instead, opt for a cold brewing method, as it has been shown to reduce the acidity of coffee significantly. Cold brewing involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, resulting in a smooth and less acidic brew.

Use Alkaline-Enhancing Ingredients

Another effective strategy is to use ingredients that can boost the alkalinity of your coffee. 

Some options include adding a pinch of baking soda or a dash of pink Himalayan salt to your coffee grounds before brewing. These ingredients help balance out the acidity and create a more alkaline end product.

Additionally, you can also use alkaline water instead of regular tap water to brew your coffee. Alkaline water has a higher pH level, making it naturally less acidic and more alkaline.

Consider Alternative Coffee Beans

If you're looking for a more long-term solution, consider using alternative coffee beans that naturally have a lower acidity level. 

Some options to explore include low-acid coffee beans, such as Sumatra and Brazil, or chicory root coffee, which has a similar taste profile to traditional coffee but with less acidity.

Add Alkaline-Friendly Milk

For those who enjoy a splash of milk in their coffee, consider using alkaline-friendly options such as almond or coconut milk instead of dairy. Almond milk has a higher pH level than dairy milk, making it more alkaline. Plus, these non-dairy options can add a delicious and unique flavor to your coffee.

Dairy products are known to be highly acidic, so switching to non-dairy alternatives can help make your coffee more alkaline.

Try Adding Alkaline-Boosting Spices

Lastly, you can experiment with adding alkaline-boosting spices to your coffee to elevate its pH level. 

Cinnamon and turmeric are two popular options that not only have a pleasant flavor but also possess alkaline properties. Just sprinkle a pinch of these spices into your cup of coffee for an added boost of alkalinity.

These are just a few of the many ways you can make your coffee more alkaline. Get creative and try out different combinations until you find the perfect blend for your taste buds.

The Potential Health Benefits of Alkaline Coffee

Aside from reducing the acidity of your coffee, making it more alkaline may also offer potential health benefits. 

Some studies have suggested that consuming an alkaline diet can improve bone health, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation in the body. Acid reflux sufferers may also find relief by switching to alkaline coffee.

By incorporating some of these strategies into your coffee routine, you can reap these benefits while still enjoying your daily cup of java.

Low Acid Coffee Beans Exist

If you're looking for a more convenient option, low-acid coffee beans are readily available in the market. These beans undergo a special roasting process that reduces their acidity levels while still maintaining their flavor.

However, it's essential to keep in mind that these beans may not be completely alkaline, and their exact pH level can vary. It's always best to check the package label or ask a barista for more information. Acidic coffee beans are also not inherently bad for you, so feel free to switch to alkaline coffee if you enjoy the taste of traditional coffee.

Can You Make Alkaline Coffee with Regular Coffee Beans?

Yes, you can still make alkaline coffee with regular coffee beans by utilizing the methods mentioned above. However, the results may vary depending on the quality and level of acidity in the beans.

It's also worth noting that even though these methods can reduce the acidity of your coffee, they do not eliminate it. Therefore, individuals with severe acid reflux or other digestive issues may still want to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating alkaline coffee into their diet. 

Tips for Making the best Alkaline Coffee

  • Experiment with different alkaline-enhancing ingredients to find your preferred taste and pH level.
  • Don't rely on alkaline coffee as a cure-all for health issues. It's essential to maintain a balanced and healthy diet overall.
  • Regularly cleaning and descaling your coffee maker can help prevent the buildup of acidity residue, resulting in a cleaner cup of coffee. 
  • Remember that everyone's tastes and preferences are different, so don't be afraid to customize your alkaline coffee to suit your palate.

What Are The Best Alkaline (Low Acid) Coffee Brands?

Some popular brands that offer low-acid or alkaline coffee options include Puroast, HealthWise, and Tieman's Fusion Coffee. These brands have different varieties of beans to choose from, so you can find one that suits your taste preferences.

Additionally, some companies specialize in producing alkaline coffee blends specifically, such as Kion Coffee's Acid-Kicking Dark Roast or Purity Coffee's Acid Crusher blend.

Ways To Reduce Bitterness Of Your Coffee Without Making It More Alkaline

If you're not a fan of the bitter taste of coffee, there are ways to reduce its bitterness without making it more alkaline. 

Some options include using a coarser grind size, adjusting your brewing method or technique, and experimenting with different types of beans.

Moreover, adding a small amount of sugar or honey can also help balance out the bitterness in your cup of coffee. 

Is Cold Brew Coffee Less Acidic?

Yes, cold brew coffee has been shown to be less acidic compared to traditional brewing methods. The extended steeping process in cold water results in a smoother and less bitter cup of coffee, making it more alkaline-friendly. 

However, it's worth noting that the exact level of acidity can still vary depending on factors such as the type of beans used and the brewing technique. So, it's always best to test and adjust according to your personal preferences. 


How can I make alkaline coffee using ground coffee beans?

To make alkaline coffee, start with organic coffee beans that are naturally low in acid. Grind your beans and use a French press or your preferred brewing method to make your coffee. To make it alkaline, add a small pinch of baking soda to the ground coffee before brewing. The baking soda will neutralize the acid, making your coffee more alkaline.

Can drinking coffee made from organic coffee beans help maintain an alkaline diet?

While organic coffee beans can be healthier due to fewer pesticides and chemicals, they do not necessarily make your coffee alkaline. The acidity or alkalinity of coffee is determined by the type of bean, the soil it was grown in, and how it's brewed. However, adding a pinch of baking soda can help make your coffee more alkaline.

What's the best way for coffee drinkers to prepare cold brewed coffee to ensure it's alkaline?

Cold brewed coffee is naturally less acidic than hot brewed coffee. To make it alkaline, you can add a small amount of baking soda during the brewing process. Simply mix your ground coffee with cold water and a pinch of baking soda, stir well, and leave it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture to remove the grounds, and your alkaline cold brew is ready to enjoy.

How does using a French press affect the alkalinity of the coffee I drink?

A French press doesn't inherently make coffee more alkaline. However, it allows for better control over the brewing process, which can help reduce acidity. For instance, brewing with a shorter steeping time or using coarsely ground coffee can result in less acid being extracted. Adding a pinch of baking soda to the coffee grounds in the French press before adding the hot water can also help increase the alkalinity of your coffee.


In conclusion, the quest for alkaline coffee presents a myriad of creative methods to reduce acidity and elevate the pH level of this beloved beverage. By experimenting with alternative ingredients, adjusting brewing techniques, and incorporating alkaline-enhancing elements, individuals can transform their coffee into a milder, more pH-balanced brew. 

Whether it's the addition of baking soda, exploring cold brewing, or integrating alkaline-rich components, the pursuit of alkaline coffee opens up a world of possibilities for those seeking a gentler, less acidic coffee experience.

Embracing these strategies not only aligns with the principles of an alkaline diet but also offers a pathway to a smoother, more enjoyable coffee indulgence.

With these insightful approaches, crafting an alkaline coffee that satisfies both taste buds and pH balance becomes an achievable and enriching endeavor.

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